I hold a strong belief in the value of continuous learning. Cultivating empathy towards others and understanding various situations is a lesson I have embraced and honed throughout the years.....
About I am both excited and nervous as I embark on a new journey into the world of gardening. The wonders of nature, including wildlife and plants,...
NoSQL has faced criticism for not supporting transactions and ACID, hence it’s believed to be unable to meet consistency requirements. However, this...
Consistency is considered hard to achieve in a distributed cluster. Terms like CAP theorem and eventual consistency are used to describe consistency,...
With an increase in data volumes, scaling up becomes costly and, beyond a certain point, impossible. NoSQL has the ability to run a database on a...
Data model is a tool which helps you organize your data in the storage. It allows you to manipulate and access your data. Relational database was very...
CAP theorem reminds me of the time where I was confused more with the terminology somewhat same as with encounter with term nosql. When I first came...